Goga Publishing House

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Založba Goga
Glavni trg 6, SI-8000 Novo mesto
Phone386 (0) 7 393 0811
Past events

Goga Publishing House 2013 Slovene Book Fair 02.JPGGoga Publishing House on Slovene Book Fair, 2013

Established in 1998 by the Students' Society of Novo Mesto (DNŠ), the Goga Publishing House is involved in a wide spectrum of activities, from publishing Slovene and foreign literary works, music CDs, and journals (Rast) to organising different cultural events, literary workshops, and residency programmes.

As of 2000 Goga also runs the Goga Bookshop, a popular venue for literary, musical, and other cultural events in Novo mesto.

Publishing programme

The first publication in line was the Anton Podbevšek 100 Supernatural Years, a book on a Slovene avant-garde poet and a participant of the Novo Mesto Spring [Novomeška pomlad] movement in the 1920s that marked the beginning of Slovene modernism.

Goga's literature publishing programme tries to enable new perspectives on local literature (intermingling renowned authors with upcoming writers), as well as publish translations of first-class literature from abroad. It deals with both poetry as well as prose, and since 2003 also with occasional theoretical and historical works. The latter are published under the name Anagoga editions, with Latin Literature by Pierre Grimal as its first piece. There is also the edition Lunapark, established in 2007, which specialises in youth literature. The Goga Music programme is focused on audio CDs, mostly of Slovene artists playing jazz, folk, chanson, world music and also classical works.

Rast, a quarterly review for literature, culture and social issues, is published by Goga in collaboration with the Municipality of Novo mesto. There is an accompanying web portal called eRast.

International collaboration and residence programmes

Goga is a part of several European (formal and informal) networks, active in exchanging authors, works, and various residency opportunities (it actively organises the exchange of Slovene authors to other residencies across Europe).

It is (or was) involved in several projects financed by the EU's Culture programme, with one of recent such projects called South and East reaches West – digital platform for promotion of writers in post-conflict societies (2017–2019), shorter Reading Balkans. The project, basically, aims to ease the entry of Eastern and South-Eastern writers to the wider European markets. In 2018 the open call for residencies was open for Ukrainian authors, one of them will stay at the Goga Literary Residency in Novo mesto.

Such and other projects, as well as for some time a collaboration with the Goethe-Institut Ljubljana, enable Goga to run a regular stream of residencies. See also Goga Literary Residency article.

See also

External links


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Založba Goga +
Založba Goga +
SI-8000 Novo mesto +
Glavni trg 6 +
Established in 1998 by the Students' SocieEstablished in 1998 by the Students' Society of Novo Mesto (DNŠ), the Goga Publishing House is involved in a wide spectrum of activities, from publishing Slovene and foreign literary works, music CDs, and journals (Rast) to organising different cultural events, literary workshops, and residency programmes.erary workshops, and residency programmes. +
Established in 1998 by the Students' SocieEstablished in 1998 by the Students' Society of Novo Mesto (DNŠ), the Goga Publishing House is involved in a wide spectrum of activities, from publishing Slovene and foreign literary works, music CDs, and journals (Rast) to organising different cultural events, literary workshops, and residency programmes.erary workshops, and residency programmes. +
Založba Goga je vključena v širok spekter dejavnosti, od objavljanja slovenskih in tujih literarnih del, glasbenih zgoščenk in revij, do organizacije različnih kulturnih prireditev, literarnih delavnic in rezidenčnih programov. +
+386 / 7 393 0811 +
Novo mesto +
SI-8000 +
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